Data integration: How to successfully integrate your business data into cloud platforms

When it comes to data integration, simply dumping all your data into a data lake is not the solution. In this blog post, we explain how to easily integrate data, link data from different sources, contextualize it, make it relevant, and then make it easily available.

3/26/2024  |  3 min


Mattia Molteni.jpeg

Mattia Molteni

Product Manager


  • SNP Glue
  • Data Integration
  • Cloud Data Integration
  • Cloud migration
  • Data Analytics & Data Lakes

Data integration: Using SNP Glue to harness the power of your business data through easy data integration

When it comes to data integration, companies aim to build a standardized repository for their important business data that originates from different channels. The goal? To create a single source of truth that facilitates forecasting, innovation, and AI-driven insights. However, this endeavor is not easy. Imagine data scattered across different business applications, each bringing its own challenges. This is where SNP Glue comes in – a solution designed to intelligently move data from various applications to cloud platforms with a particular focus on SAP.

The focus for us is clear: We specialize in integrating large amounts of data from business-critical applications, with SAP at the center. Our job is to streamline the process and ensure that the data flows seamlessly into a central location that is constantly updated and ready for analysis at any time. But it’s not just about collecting data, it’s also about making sense of it. Our approach goes beyond pure aggregation. We contextualize the information and make it available for advanced analytics. This means that we ensure the data is not only understandable, but also valuable to those who work with it. Imagine the following scenario: Data from disparate SAP sources needs to be harmonized and enriched with metadata to support data lineage and validation. This is a meticulous process that requires expertise and precision – a process at which SNP Glue excels.

With our software, we bridge the gap between different data sources, creating a coherent ecosystem in which information flows freely to enable informed decisions and drive innovation. Whether for internal analyses or sharing insights with external stakeholders, SNP Glue is paving the way for a data-driven future.

Working with large amounts of data across multiple landscapes

In the dynamic landscape of data integration, flexibility is key. We create a seamless transition from multiple data sources, especially for business-critical applications such as SAP, to centralized data platforms. What sets us apart is our agnosticism – we work across multiple landscapes and adapt to a variety of architectures and platforms.

We are committed to providing you with the tools and support you need to realize your data integration goals, regardless of your architectural preferences.

Securing real-time data replication: The latest data available anywhere, anytime

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, speed and agility are paramount, especially when it comes to managing large amounts of data in real time. Imagine a scenario where large amounts of data flow continuously, much like a stream of information in real time. Our software is designed to do just that. What sets us apart is our commitment to delivering a secure and certified product. We recognize the importance of data security and integrity. That’s why our solution undergoes rigorous testing and certification procedures. This means that our customers can trust the reliability and authenticity of the data that is processed and accessed through our platform.

In addition, our streamlined approach means that accessing and using this information is effortless. We prioritize ease of use to ensure that you can harness the power of your data without unnecessary hurdles or complications.

Extracting data from source systems with no disruptions

Consider the delicate balance required: You need to extract data without disrupting the source system so that business operations continue without interruption. At the same time, you need to capture changes in real time and transfer them quickly to the target system.

SNP Glue is designed to overcome these challenges with ease. We offer a solution that allows you to extract data from source systems without interruption – regardless of whether you are directly connected to the system or access the data via other means.

We recognize the critical nature of business processes and the importance of maintaining system integrity. That’s why SNP Glue works with precision to ensure that data movement is seamless without disrupting ongoing operations.

Consolidating all data under one roof

In today’s business landscape, constructing a robust data platform isn’t merely a luxury; it’s a vital requirement. To remain competitive, you need to embrace and integrate data-driven innovations. Yet, particularly when it comes to SAP data, information is often generated and stored in isolated silos.

The key takeaway for data integration is eliminating those silos, ensuring real-time accessibility and transforming disparate data into a unified, actionable, and user-friendly source to drive analytics and innovation.




  • SNP Event
  • SNP Event

Integrate to Innovate – with SNP Glue

Data has become the lifeblood of organisations. It fuels innovation, enhances decision making, and unlocks opportunities that were once thought impossible. However, data is often spread out across multiple sources making it difficult to analyse and make sense of. The emergence of cloud computing, however, has made it easier to unify data across the enterprise. But extracting and consolidating data from various sources can be a struggle in itself. Some of your most important and complex data comes from SAP systems. SAP data is crucial to running your business, as well as growing it. This data drives business insights, innovation and disruption.

10/19/2023, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

SNP Event

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Mattia Molteni.jpeg

Mattia Molteni

Product Manager


  • SNP Glue
  • Data Integration
  • Cloud Data Integration
  • Cloud migration
  • Data Analytics & Data Lakes

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