Corporate Culture & Responsibility

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Taking sustainable actions now to meet tomorrow’s challenges

At SNP, we believe that a company and its employees must embrace the principles of integrity, ethics and personal responsibility. The ethical requirements of a company operating globally and across cultures and sectors of society are demanding. In a complex environment of laws, guidelines, social beliefs and our entrepreneurial goals, it is vital that we constantly question our actions and address any possible consequences.

We appreciate each other’s differences and strengths, as well as weaknesses, and are always trying to become better versions of ourselves. As an enterprise, we strive to make a difference not only for our customers but also for the environment and local communities. As people, we simply care about others and believe in paying back to society. Our aim is to set out SNP’s commitment to sustainable actions to meet tomorrow’s challenges, today.

Reducing our carbon footprint – thinking globally and acting locally


SNP recognizes the importance of sustainable development – we believe that conducting business should go hand in hand with strategies that stimulate economic growth and protect the planet.

As an organization, we are committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are aware of the impact our daily operations have on the environment. Therefore, we have adopted local policies for reducing waste and CO2 emissions. But that’s not all – our core values emphasize working together and applying our expertise to achieve common success and take bold climate action.


CrystalBridge es una potente herramienta de gestión de datos para analizar, archivar, reestructurar y migrar datos de forma segura y rápida a nuevos sistemas o entornos en la nube.


Automatizar las partes tediosas del análisis, el archivo y la migración de datos significa que sus equipos de TI pueden dedicarse a tareas más importantes. Y podrá llevar a cabo grandes transformaciones de TI con un tiempo de inactividad casi nulo para la empresa.

Corporate Culture

We at SNP are devoted to building a better future. As a natural part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, we are seriously committed to the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals and specifically aim to take bold climate action. I have known Ben Valks and his team at the Black Jaguar Foundation for many years and love their work, dedication and commitment.

Gregor Stöckler

COO, SNP Group

Supporting non-profit organizations and helping children

To support those in need, every year we donate to a charitable organization that supports ill children and their caregivers.

CrystalBridge es una potente herramienta de gestión de datos para analizar, archivar, reestructurar y migrar datos de forma segura y rápida a nuevos sistemas o entornos en la nube.

Automatizar las partes tediosas del análisis, el archivo y la migración de datos significa que sus equipos de TI pueden dedicarse a tareas más importantes. Y podrá llevar a cabo grandes transformaciones de TI con un tiempo de inactividad casi nulo para la empresa.

Responding to the world's pressing matters

We are not only focused on local initiatives – we also support important causes in other regions.

We supported the SolarBuddy program Energy Poverty, aimed at providing access to safe and reliable energy in the remote regions of the world, as energy shortages particularly affect children, their education and their well-being.

We are taking a strong stance against the war in Ukraine. We are committed to helping the people who are most affected by the Russian regime’s war of aggression on Ukraine by providing local support via three aid organizations in Germany, Austria and Slovakia.

Taking things into our own hands: volunteering


We also believe in giving back to society by rolling up our sleeves and volunteering. Our employees in Bratislava regularly participate in the Our City (Naše Mesto) community project, where they clean up and refurbish public spaces.

Whether it is painting fences, renovating nurseries or just picking up garbage, we are there and happy to help.

Healthy body, healthy mind – sponsoring sports


Supporting sports is a matter close to our hearts. Sports make you strong, promote solidarity and are an important foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

We have been a proud sponsor and namesake of the SNP dome in Heidelberg since 2021. It offers young athletes a modern training and playing facility. The SNP dome can accommodate around 5,000 spectators, and it has quickly become an important location in the Heidelberg area for both sports and cultural events. We are pleased to be able to help make this experience possible and hope that our commitment will inspire children and young people to take up and play more sports.